Hello and welcome to my blog page. This is the first installment of what I plan to be many blogs in the coming years. Why now? you say? Well, why not. Lot's of people are doing this for various reasons. Some do it just to let you know what is going on in their lives, and these are fun to read, but many have a more focused subject to their blogs. For example, some want to keep us informed about new technologies and therefore keep their focus on technology. All these are cool and do reach a good number of people.
But what is the purpose of this blog? Is it enough to say that I'm doing this because it's there? Well, the answer is yes! I see this big open space of internet not being used by anybody and I just have to put something in it. If I don't somebody else will and it won't be as much fun as I am going to make this blog site.
For example, focus will be not present on my blog. I am going to talk about a lot of things including news, entertainment, and just people and life in general. I am also going to ask for your opinions. If and when you reply please know that if I think it would be something that my readers would want to know I may post it for all to read.
So, with that all said, let's get this party started!
The first observation I am throwing your way is the most important day in a woman's life (and it had better be for the men as well else said men are going to be in a lot of trouble) Valentine's Day is almost here. Are you ready for it? Well, you had better be. I found that out the hard way many years ago. We, my wife and I, were younger then and we didn't really have any money. We had both promised that we would not get anything for each other that year. It was at a time when finances were barely enough to pay the bills, let alone spend it on things we didn't need. So, we made a pact. She wouldn't get me anything and I would not get her anything. Our love was all we needed. Then it came! That day! Valentine's Day had arrived and I had kept my promise. It was a very nice day, we even decided to see a movie together. Then as all days do, it was coming to it's end. We were sitting on the sofa together and watching TV, when all of a sudden she reached between the sofa cushions, brought out this small package and handed it to me. "Oh baby" I said reservedly. "What is this? I thought we said we weren't going to do this this year." She just looked me in the eye and said "I know but I just couldn't help myself. I hope you like it. I love you so much!" She kissed me on the lips, with tongue. I cautiously opened the gift to find a new watch. My eyes popped out of their sockets. She was sitting there next to me with a big ear to ear smile on her face as I said "Wow honey. You shouldn't have done this." So I slipped it onto my wrist and admired this loving gift she had somehow managed to give me. I kissed her and she kissed me, with tongue, and we decided to go to bed to make love. I was lying in bed waiting on her to finish freshening up in the bathroom, but she was taking so long. I called out to ask if she was alright. She replied with something quiet that I could not understand, so I got up and went to the door and asked her again. This time she yelled her reply that she was alright, but I could tell that she was crying. I lovingly tried to console her but to no avail. She wouldn't let me in the room, It seems that the problem was me. I had not gotten her anything for Valentine's Day, not even a card. She was hurt and pissed all at the same time. She continued to yell at me as I tried to explain and console her. She would have none of it. She never wanted to see me again and told me to just leave. Well, that hurt me a lot, but I didn't leave. I did leave the bedroom and slept (or tried to) on the sofa downstairs. It was an aweful night. The next day we made up, but she would use any opportunity she could to beat me over the head about that for the next year. The next time, I made certain to spend a record amount on jewelry for her and I never heard any more of it. So fella's, my advice to you is no matter what you may have agreed on together, DON'T FORGET HER ON VALENTINE'S DAY!
Well, that's all I have to say about that. I am interested to read your comments and stories so be sure post yours below.
Thanks for helping me kick off my blog. I look forward to reading what you have to say. Oh and Happy Valentine's Day!!
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