Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How much of this is real?

A woman in Carthage County has been admitted to the hospital due to freak injuries she received while driving home from work this past Monday.  Officials at the scene said that she wasn't apparently breaking any laws and she was just driving home the same way she does everyday when all of a sudden it happened and paramedics on the scene tell us that it appears she has received a broken back.  Police have said that she was not at fault and luckily no one else sustained any life threatening injuries. All others were treated at the scene for minor bumps and bruises and released.  The woman whose name officials aren't releasing at this time has been taken to Mercy Sakes General  for treatment. 

Doctors at the hospital are saying that the woman, whose name we found out from hospital staff is Lucille Gouse, is in stable condition and she is expected to fully recover.
Today we have been able to visit with Mrs. Gouse and spoke with her about the accident. She said she isn't sure how it happened. "You would think I'd have to fall or something."  But that didn't happen to this mother of 2.  She said it just happened.  She is now resting, albeit in traction.  Doctors say that she will need a few months to fully recover.

We talked with her husband who was able to shed some light on how this might have happened.  He said that he and his daughter Carrie, were playing with a basketball in their driveway while waiting on Lucy to get home.  "We were just playing a game of HORSE and the subject came up about her homework. She made me promise not to tell her mom and I said I can keep a secret if she can.  She made me pinky swear that I wouldn't tell and I told her she had to promise too, you know, step on a crack and break your momma'
s back?  Well she was standing on a crack when she said that.  It's all my fault.  I should've looked down."

--Unafilliated Press--

On another note, I wanted to say something about the CBS reporter, Serene Branson, who apparently suffered a stroke on air during the Grammy's. If you go looking for the video you will find a lot of people saying she was drunk and a dumb blonde.  The ignorant among us makes a lot of noise.

I just want to wish her well and hope she recovers fully.  I empathize with her because this same thing happened to me last November, only I was not on TV.  Doctors are treating me for a stoke and after seeing what happened to Serene I am certain that this is what happened to her too. A stroke.
Serene, get lots of rest. I hope you fully recover from this.
I can't let you go from this place with such a weight on your heart, so here is a joke just for you.  Warning!
It's more funny than dirty but I still wouldn't share it with children.

A little girl was walking along a beach in California when she came across a man with no clothes on and just newspaper covering his genitals.  The little girl said, "What do you have under that newspaper, Mister?"  The man said "Nothing, it's just  a bird, now go away!"  The man thought nothing of her and quickly fell asleep.  Hours later, the man woke up in a hospital bed in excruciating pain.  "Where the hell am I?"  A doctor replied, "Someone called 9-1-1 and said you need emergency help, so we rushed you right over."  
"Well what the hell happened to me?"
"We don't know, son.  Do you remember anything unusual happening to you today?"
The man said, "Well, there was a little girl bugging me just before I fell asleep."
The doctor sent someone to the beach to see if the little girl was still there, and she was.The person said, "Do you know what happened to that nice man you saw here earlier?"  "Well" the little girl said, "I started to play with that nice little bird that he had and the damn thing spit on me. So, I wrung it's neck, broke it's eggs and set it's nest on fire!"

That's all I have for today.  I hope you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you soon. As always I welcome and look forward to your comments and suggestions, so please leave them in the comments section below.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. You have great content honey! Great job!
