Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Getting the Funk Outa My Brain

I had planned on today being a day of productive writing, but I am having one of my dizzy dazey MS days it would appear.  One of the things I had planned to do today is write this blog.  However, my brain doesn't want me to think today.  Still, I am writing.  I am hoping this effort will bring me out of this funk and I will be able to make some serious contributions to my upcoming novel.  I don't have a title for it just yet or I would tell you.

This is my biggest malefactor in my being able to write; fighting through the MS.  Some days I might as well be a jellyfish.  I am not sure what that means but I was hoping that my brain would find a better way of saying that I am having a bad day creatively.  I guess, after writing that analogy, this is one of those days.  Still I push myself to write.   

Hey! Have you heard about the noun, the verb and the adjective that walked into a bar? I haven't either, and can't concentrate enough on it to make it a real joke.  If any of you would like to take that much and run with it, though, be my guest.  Share it with the rest of us.  We could always use a good laff.

So, school will be starting up before we know it.  I know it because I am married to the world's greatest teacher.  This is her final year to teach.  Then she retires and will have to learn to live a life without so much stress.  I am proud of her and very happy for her as well.  So, in honor of that, I want to share this poem with y'all. 

I found it on  It appears to have been written by Darren Sardelli.  I hope you like it, too.

My Dog Ate My Essay

My doggy ate my essay,
he picked up all my mail.
He cleaned my dirty closet
and dusted with his tail.

He straightened out my posters
and swept my wooden floor.
My parents almost fainted when
he fixed my bedroom door.

I did not try to stop him.
He made my windows shine.
My room looked like a palace.
My jackets smelled like pine.

He fluffed up every pillow.
He folded all my clothes.
He even cleaned my fish tank with
a toothbrush and a hose.

I thought it was amazing
to see him use a broom.
I’m glad he ate my essay
on “How to Clean My Room”.

Copyright © 2005 Darren Sardelli
All Rights Reserved

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