Monday, January 7, 2013

We Survived the Apocalyptic Year of 2012

Hello and a very Happy New Year to you all!  

If you are one of the billions of people who managed to, somehow, dodge the apocalypse of last year, congratulations!  If you think you might have escaped it but are now somewhere other than on earth, let me help you understand your predicament.  You are still here, with the rest of us.  This is not the Elysian Fields.  This definitely, is not Heaven.  This is the same old earth that you have, to now, tricked yourself into thinking that you could see, but were no longer a part of because you have moved on to another dimension.  That is not a cloud that you are floating on.  It is the bed that you are refusing to get up from and lest you think that the moisture that you feel is proof of the clouds existence, let me set the record straight for you.  The moisture you feel is not the moisture you might experience from being in a cloud.  You have wet the bed.  Its' time to get up now.  Take a shower, drink some coffee and go buy a new bed.  No one is going to share that bed with you now.

Welcome to 2013!  It is a new year that offers the promise of many good things to come, or it could simply be a rehash of what we just went through, minus all the ridiculous bombardment of political ad like the ones we just suffered through last year.  The same players are in place and it looks like we are reading the same book.  Only difference is the hope for new and better lies and what we make of the new year, ourselves.

Now, if you are the superstitious type, even though you may be hopeful, let me point something out if you haven't already done so yourselves.  It's 2013!  It is the 13th year of the new century!  Think Friday the 13th to the hundredth power!  For the superstitious minds here, that could mean that you are in for a world of hurt this year.

However, for those of us that are not superstitious, it simply means that 2012 is over and it is a new year.  We may be in for a world of hurt, too.  That remains to be unfolded, but we have hope that this will be the year that we have all been waiting for; the year that all our ships come in.  Probably not, though.  We humans are stupid by nature and the people we have decided to allow to lead us will undoubtedly find a way to screw us and make life unbearable.

I, personally, have hope.  I've always had hope just because I know that Jesus is my Savior.  But this year I've added direction to my endeavors.  

I will write more books and each will be better than the one before.  I've often said that I may not become famous in this lifetime, but someday, after my time is up, I will be recognized as one of the greatest writers of all.  Then someone will get rich off of my efforts.

So, there.  You all have something to look forward to.  Agents. Publishers.  Did you hear that?      

I've been working on a new a different novel this past year that I hope to have ready in mid-February.  The working title of the book is The Thorium Endeavor. It will be an action-packed introduction to a new heroine, Agent 355.  That's right, I said heroine.  She is a lady and a warrior.  Her touch can be gentle and sensuous or it can be brutal and deadly.  

Be on the lookout for news about its release and how to get a copy.

Happy New Year Everybody!!

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