Hello to all my faithful readers out there in cyber land! Again, it has been a while since I've been here, due to my illness. I've just gotten over a nasty fight with pneumonia where I was laid up in the hospital for several weeks. I'm safe at home now and trying to get back to my regular routine.
This is my first venture back into writing anything. I was so drugged up (it doesn't take much) that I could not even focus my thoughts on a single thing for a while. I have, in fact, been trying to catch up on the news in hopes that something other than politics was happening somewhere that might be interesting to discuss. There's not been very much, in my mind, to hold my attention and if it won't hold my attention how can I possibly write about it and expect to hold yours?
So, when the world refuses to cooperate and provide me fodder, then I must create my own.
Disclaimer: The following is not a true story. It was made up by me. Any and all people and places appearing in this is purely coincidental and should not be believed If your name happens to appear somewhere in here, it is just by chance and I was not really referencing you or anyone you know. After reading this disclaimer, please understand that if you believe this story to be factual, then you are an idiot.
Evolved or Devolved?
Are we getting more and more intelligent as a creature? Why, getting to the moon is old news now. These days we are planning trips to Mars and beyond. It has to be because we are getting smarter and smarter, right?
What if that just isn't true? What if what we are discovering isn't new but more old news? My buddy, Albert Einstein is pretty much considered to be the smartest man of his time. I am sure that there are others whom we would consider as very brainy even today. It seems that somebody is "discovering" something new all the time now.
Think on this, If Adam walked with God on this very earth, isn't it likely that Adam learned a lot from the very creator of everything? Wouldn't that make him the smartest man ever? God, Himself, must have thought pretty highly of him. After all, not only did God create man and woman, but He also created every living thing. Next came the Sabbath and God rested, but He left the responsibility of naming all of this to none other than Adam.
This must have required a pretty good understanding of all that God had made. I can't imagine the level of intellect that must have been required to be able to do that. Adam must have been beyond genius! I can imagine that Adam probably used much more of his brain than we do today. I'll bet he could actually use all of it. There's no telling all the things that Adam and Eve knew, before the fall. As sin came in, the brain must have suffered. Why not? The rest of the body did.
Here's my theory. In Adam and Eve, before the fall, we had the most intelligent and able beings to set foot on planet Earth; with the exception of Jesus. However, after the fall, they were cast out of Eden and forced to live without all the comforts that were afforded them before. Now they had to make their own way, with somewhat littler knowledge than they had before.
As time passed from generation to generation, our abilities and knowledge dwindled too, until someone came along that maybe got a gene or something that others didn't and it sparked a part of the brain that others had not be able to access. A "discovery" was made and it benefited everyone. It was probably something that the first people already knew.
Throughout the ages, I propose that we have been less and less able to utilize our brains to the point where today we are only able to access 10%. Imagine what must be held in that unusable 90%.
So, today I propose that we as humans have not gotten smarter with time, but dumber. Look throughout the world at all that amazes us about previous civilizations. "How were they able to do that?" we ask. Maybe it's because they were able to understand some things better than we are today. Maybe, they were actually smarter.
I say, that is exactly what happened throughout the centuries. What we are discovering today is old news that had long been forgotten. We are actually running out of ideas and the parts of the brain that we will one day be able to access may be only 5% or even 1%.
So I ask you, should we say "evolution" or "devolution". I would say that since we as the human race is becoming more and more sinful and corrupt in our nature, then we seem to be chasing after the devil. Hmm.........devil.....devolution. Seems to fit. God will one day put a stop to all of this spiraling downfall and we will forevermore be able to walk and talk with Him, like Adam and Eve did before the fall.
There you have it! My thoughts for the day. What if I am right?
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